PC Gaming and Console Gaming: Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?
There are so many worlds and adventures across many different platforms of digital gaming. Where do they cross, where do they repel and where to they do well for all…
There are so many worlds and adventures across many different platforms of digital gaming. Where do they cross, where do they repel and where to they do well for all…
[6 – 8 PM] Futuropia Number of Players: 1 to 4 Game Type/Mechanism(s): Simulation; Economic Game Summary: “In Futuropia, people live in a future Utopian society that possesses desirable lifestyle qualities for all its…
D. Alan Lewis will ask his panel of great minds to speculate on the What-IFs of real life and fictional changes to the time-stream. Questions like, What if Spock had…
Audience participation! What are the horror movies that made you a fan?
Let's talk about how DBZ, Riding Bean, Lupin, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun compare to new offerings likeEdge Runners, Way of the Househusband, Supercrooks, Tiger and Bunny, Berserk
Join Elizabeth Raven as she discusses the world of ghosts; how we find them and.....how we communicate with them.
Found footage horror has been a divisive sub genre since its inception. We will explore that history from the beginning and discuss the highs, lows and everything in between. Presented…
Step back in time for a little arcade game fun! Your favorites from the 80's, 90's and today! Platform games, first person gaming and VR fun! Runs all weekend. Room…
Discover upcoming works from our very own publishing company!
An Introduction to Chattooine, Chattanooga's largest and most inclusive Cosplay group. A number of fans dressed up for the occasion to celebrate the release of the new film. From left:…