William Joseph Roberts

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William Joseph Roberts has perused careers as an aircraft mechanic, architectural designer, industrial design engineer, and is now an award winning author, editor and publisher for Three Ravens Publishing. Connect…

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Robert Sommers

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Robert Sommers work has appeared in After Hours magazine, Dreamwatch, Southeast Performer, and the DAW Books anthology Zombiesque. His latest story, "Long Orbit", recently appeared in Futures, the fiction column…

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Cory Keelen

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Blessed husband and father. Host/creator of Vitamin Geek Podcast. Creepy Keelen of the Spooky Dudes. Connect with Cory

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Brooke Stanley

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Brooke H. Stanley Jr., BSN, MSRN is modern day Bard. Scrapping, skulking and schmoozing are reoccurring themes in his as yet never ending story. With Bachelor’s degrees in English and…

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Wendy Webb

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Wendy Webb (aka Wendy W Webb) has published dark fantasy short stories and novels, co-edited anthologies, and has had productions of stage and radio plays. After a hiatus as a…

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Toni Weisskopf

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Toni Weisskopf succeeded Jim Baen as publisher of Baen Books, a leading publisher of SF and fantasy, in 2006. She has worked with such authors as David Weber, David Drake,…

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Debbie Hughes

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Over the course of 30 years, Debbie Hughes has created covers and interior illustrations for over 80 internationally published books, magazines and CD rom Titles. She also illustrated over 200…

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Louise Herring-Jones

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Louise Herring-Jones now writes mainstream, historical, and speculative fiction as well as non-fiction. Once upon a time, when she was not much more than a child, she set aside her…

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Terry Maggert

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Left-handed.Husband to a half-Norwegian.Herder of cats and dogs.Lover of pie.I write books.I’ve had an unhealthy fascination with dragons since the age of– well, for a while.Native Floridian.Current Tennessean.Location subject to…

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Amanda Makepeace

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Amanda Makepeace is an award winning fantasy and science fiction illustrator. Her career in art began more than a decade ago while living abroad in the UK. In recent years,…

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