Chattacon Gaming Information
We have tons in store for you over the weekend! You don’t’ need anything to play in any of our gaming events; just walk up and jump in for as long or short of a time you care to play. Be sure to pick up a copy of the gaming schedule at registration to see exactly when and where all the fun will happen.
Gaming Libraries & Information
A Few Chattacon Gaming F A Q
Where is Gaming located in the hotel?
You can find gaming practically down every hall, and at tables all around the venue, but we gather and host events from a central location. You can find this on the floor level of the hotel, on the right just across from the infamous Chattacon Consuite!
Are there prizes?
Game prizes will be awarded throughout the convention, depending on the games you play! For the most part prize distribution will be Sunday 12 noon in the main game hall… bring your voucher and pick a prize!
Is there Electronic Gaming at Chattacon?
Yes! Please visit the Electronic Gaming page for all the details on what will be going on this year!
The Dark Return
Join Michael Bielaczyc, creator and artist for SagaBorn d100, for a gaming session introducing you to his new system and the gloomy world of the Dark Return! A party of 2 to 6 is welcome. You will enter the world as a prisoner, one of many who the Uthgard empire uses to mine the metal ore for their ever-growing war machine. But empires are meant to be rebelled against, so the question is, how will you win your freedom? And afterward, will you join those who fight for a better world?
The New Choice: Improv Your Life! improv board game is designed by Karen Lyu ~ Karey Poppins Games
Imagine playing a board game where you are competing internationally to become the New Choice Improv Champion of the World!
You get to travel in any direction, make friends, and play improv games that use your talents like speaking, singing, and acting. Watch out…avoid the traffic jam, and don’t get scammed. You can even win grants! It’s easy to improv, just 1 sentence at a time. And the best part is, You can get super creative and earn points by making goofy rhymes and getting people to laugh and clap for you. And, at the end, your team has to remember 5 things that the other team said to have good relationships. There are 4 ways to play, too! 1. As yourself, 2. In costume/in character, 3. With dolls/puppets, 4. In any language everyone can understand, including Klingon.
BTW – The New Choice Improv World Champions win a toy Golden Duck Trophy that they can take a selfie with! 🐤
Coral Castle
Travis from Lime Green Games will be there demoing his brand new game! Coral Castle! Build a magical mermaid garden under the sea in this card drafting game. Each round you will draft cards, craft combos, and race other players up the wealth, beauty, and rarity tracks. You’ll be able to keep cards each round for bigger, better combos. After 3 rounds, see see who is furthest on each track and gain fame. The most famous mergarden wins!
Tales of the Valiant RPG
Join the Gaming Guest of Honor, Dot Steverson, as she GMs a group of heroic adventurers through a whimsical quest using the Tales of the Valiant RPG, a new 5th Edition D&D compatible system from Kobold Press. Journey with us in an infinite universe of high fantasy adventure, dice rolling, and lots of shenanigans. Stick around until the end for a live giveaway of the Tales of the Valiant: Players Guide & Monster Vault.
Kobold Press has been a prominent TTRPG publisher for over 17 years and a leading creator of third-party Dungeons & Dragons content expanding recently with the Black Flag Roleplaying system and Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game. Tales of the Valiant earned over $1 million dollars on Kickstarter and was published in 2024. ToV is a successor to the popular 2014 DnD 5E rules and establishes an open license supporting a vibrant 3rd Party community, maintains backwards compatibility, and innovates outdated rules.
Game List from Game On Chattanooga:
- 7 wonders
- Cards Against Humanity
- Catan
- Hues and Cues
- Munchin
- Mystrium
- Pyrmaid Arcade
- Red Dragon Inn
- Splendor
- Star Realms
- Ticket 2 Ride Unlocked!…
Chattacon Gaming Library
Games will include Munchkin many many varieties of Munchkin, Illuminati and Monty Python Illuminati, Chez Geek, Chez Greek, Chez Goth, Chez Cthulhu, Lord of the Fries, Revolution, Ninja Burger, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Chupacabra Dice, and possibly more…
Annual Scavenger Hunt
Come and participate in the Chattacon Scavenger Hunt. The sign-up to play is 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in the bar alcove. The Hunt runs all weekend with the judging on Sunday morning at 11:30 am. A gaming prize will be awarded to the person/team that answers (or finds) the most items on the Hunt. Teams can play but there will be only one prize awarded.
Gaming Room Schedule
Day | Time |
Friday: | 4:00 pm - 12:00 am |
4:00 pm - 12:00 pm - Open Gaming | Game On Chattanooga MAIN TABLE 5 | |
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - Futuropia | The Gaming Lady Description: Players live in a future Utopian society striving to realize the ideal lifestyle for all of its citizens - where people work much less (as robots do nearly everything), giving them more leisure time. Develop completely self-sustaining homes that generate enough food and energy to allow the residents the greatest possible freedom (thus, leisure time). Number of Players: 1 to 4 | |
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm - Chattacon Annual Scavenger Hunt ALCOVE AREA Come and participate in the Chattacon Scavenger Hunt. The sign-up to play is 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in the bar alcove. The Hunt runs all weekend with the judging on Sunday morning at 11:30 am. A gaming prize will be awarded to the person/team that answers (or finds) the most items on the Hunt. Teams can play but there will be only one prize awarded. | |
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Faeries & Magical Creatures | The Gaming Lady Description: A mythical game where you will learn about and collect faeries from five unique folks, plant gardens, and build faerie homes - all in the hopes of being the first mortal to join the faerie realm. Number of Players: 2 to 4 | |
8:00 pm - 10:30 pm - Septima | The Gaming Lady Description: As the leader of your coven, you must prove your worth in the town of Noctenburg to become the successor of Septima, the High Witch. Practice your craft and gain Wisdom by collecting herbs, brewing potions, healing the townsfolk, mastering charms, and rescuing your fellow sisters from the trials. But beware - magic, even if used for good, invokes suspicion in the townsfolk... Number of Players: 1 to 4 | |
8:00 pm - 10:30 pm - Black Hole Rainbows | The Gaming Lady Description: The theme is simple: destroy the Universe to save it. Each player has their own Black Hole in front of them. When you fill that Black Hole with the full rainbow of quantum energy (Light Stones of every color), it detonates, flinging all those Stones into Outer Space and earning you a Supernova Coin. Your Black Hole is then reset (you've moved on to a new part of the Galaxy) and is ready to be refilled again. Number of Players: 1 to 4 | |
Saturday: | 10:00 am - 1:00 am |
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Black Star (Star Wars variant) MAIN TABLE 2 Adventure Name: The Payback Platoon How many Players (Max 6): 6 Adventure Description: It was a chaotic time in the galaxy. The Death Star was no more, and the Rebel Alliance had its first major victory under its belt. Even as the core of the Alliance scrambled to find a new hiding place from the bulk of the still-vast Imperial forces, independent groups tried to capitalize on the chaos of Tarkin’s death and the overall shock of the defeat the Empire suffered. A ragtag collection of rebels, outlaws, and misfits – each of whom suffered a loss of some kind or another at the hands of cruel Imperials – set out to teach those who thought themselves untouchable just how much they weren’t. Family Friendly Beginner Friendly Pregenerated Characters Supplied Dice/Supplies Provided | |
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm - Lizard Wizard | The Gaming Lady Description: In Astoria, a land pulsing with magic and intrigue, players compete to recruit wizards from seven unique schools of magic, build mystical towers, research powerful spells, summon helpful familiars, and search dark dungeons for gold and items of power. Only one Arch-Mage will rise above the rest and control the land. Number of Players: 2 to 6 | |
1:20 pm - 2:20 pm - Tales of the Valiant RPG | Little Red Dot Join the Gaming Guest of Honor, Dot Steverson, as she GMs a group of heroic adventurers through a whimsical quest using the Tales of the Valiant RPG, a new 5th Edition D&D compatible system from Kobold Press. Journey with us in an infinite universe of high fantasy adventure, dice rolling, and lots of shenanigans. Stick around until the end for a live giveaway of the Tales of the Valiant: Players Guide & Monster Vault. | |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm - The Girl Who Made The Stars | The Gaming Lady Description: Based on the San African myth about a young girl who, frustrated with her village’s restrictions on venturing out into the featureless night, took a bit of ash and roots and cast the embers into the sky, forming the Milky Way and the other stars. As an elder in her village, you’ll need to discern and draw the forms of the newly made constellations to provide wisdom and illumination to the village. Use this newfound light to venture into the surrounding darkness and collect much-needed resources for the village, boosting your reputation. Number of Players: 1 to 4 | |
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition MAIN TABLE 1 Adventure Name: Crisis Control How many Players (Max 6): 6 Adventure Description: This international super adventure begins with the Heroes called out to respond to an emergency request for assistance against Advanced-level threats attacking the Jumpstart Testing Grounds #12 (located a few miles west of Rosehearty in Scotland). This begins a sequence where they must discover where their mysterious nemesis will strike next, all while trying to prevent utter disaster in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Family Friendly Beginner Friendly Pregenerated Characters Supplied Dice/Supplies Provided | |
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Black Star (Star Wars variant) MAIN TABLE 2 Adventure Name: The Payback Platoon How many Players (Max 6): 6 Adventure Description: It was a chaotic time in the galaxy. The Death Star was no more, and the Rebel Alliance had its first major victory under its belt. Even as the core of the Alliance scrambled to find a new hiding place from the bulk of the still-vast Imperial forces, independent groups tried to capitalize on the chaos of Tarkin’s death and the overall shock of the defeat the Empire suffered. A ragtag collection of rebels, outlaws, and misfits – each of whom suffered a loss of some kind or another at the hands of cruel Imperials – set out to teach those who thought themselves untouchable just how much they weren’t. Family Friendly Beginner Friendly Pregenerated Characters Supplied Dice/Supplies Provided | |
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Card Game | The Gaming Lady Description: Players create a story together, using cards showing typical elements from fairy tales. One player is the Storyteller who starts the story using the ingredients on their cards and tries to guide the plot towards their own ending with a Happy Ever After card. The other players try to use cards to interrupt the Storyteller and become the new Storyteller. Number of Players: 2 to 6 | |
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Grave Robbers From Outer Space: Director's Cut! | The Gaming Lady Description: A fast-paced, humorous look at B-rated science-fiction movies. Players are movie directors creating bad horror and sci-fi films using cards that represent characters, props, locations, and special effects while defending against Hollywood Creatures. Number of Players: 2 to 99 | |
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - The Dark Return | Michael Bielaczyc Join Michael Bielaczyc, creator and artist for SagaBorn d100, for a gaming session introducing you to his new system and the gloomy world of the Dark Return! A party of 2 to 6 is welcome. You will enter the world as a prisoner, one of many who the Uthgard empire uses to mine the metal ore for their ever-growing war machine. But empires are meant to be rebelled against, so the question is, how will you win your freedom? And afterward, will you join those who fight for a better world? | |
7:00 pm - Chattacon Annual Chess Tournament | |
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm - Tales of the Arabian Nights | The Gaming Lady Description: In this groundbreaking storytelling game, you enter the lands of the Arabian Nights alongside Sindbad, Ali Baba, and the other legendary heroes of the tales told by Scheherazade to her spellbound sultan. You are the hero or heroine in a story of adventure and wonder and will travel the land seeking your own destiny and fortune. Will you be the first to fulfill your destiny? Number of Players: 1 to 6 | |
11:00 pm - 1:00 am - Paradox | The Gaming Lady Description: In the future, a space-time disturbance called The Quake is fracturing entire worlds’ timelines and removing them from existence. Players take on the roles of scientists working quickly to repair these worlds’ connections to their past, present, and future by making new time strands. However, every repaired connection ripples through time and fuels the Quake to fracture more worlds. When the storm’s power fades, the most successful scientist will be hailed as a hero throughout the multiverse. Number of Players: 2 to 4 | |
8:00 pm - Cards Against Humanity CONSUITE Do you have a dirty, messed up mind? Are you a bit sick and twisted? Is nothing sacred to you? Well, then come play Cards Against Humanity!! As they say, it’s a fill-in-the-blank party game that turns your awkward personality and lackluster social skills into hours of fun! Rockin’ Robin will be leading this perverse game with nearly 5,000 cards. With this many cards, there’s room for all who are deranged enough to want to join. There are also blank cards for your dumb jokes. So if your dumb suggestion is deemed worthy, it will be added into play. Don’t miss out on this distortedly delightful diversion! | |
Sunday: | 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm |
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm - Stellar | The Gaming Lady Description: You are stargazers calibrating your telescopes to bring into view celestial objects of various types — planets, moons, asteroids, interstellar clouds, black holes, and even satellites — as you create a beautiful display of the night sky! Number of Players: 2 | |
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Scavenger Hunt Prizes MAIN TABLE 1 & 2 | |
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Prize Distribution MAIN TABLE 1 & 2 | |
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm - Mind Space | The Gaming Lady Description: A thoughtful game in which players are trying to fill their brains with colorful emotions to achieve serenity! Each emotion is represented by a polyomino shape. Five emotion cards will be available each round, and the 5 dice rolled will determine which colors can be used to add those shapes to your Brain Board. Number of Players: 1 to 5 | |
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - Arcana Rising | The Gaming Lady Description: Players are spellcasters invited to participate in a competition to acquire arcane artifacts and cast mighty spells to gain knowledge and power. As they gather their mystical relics, they note the passing of the moons, which amplifies the power of certain schools of magic, allowing wizards to cast spells at the peak of their power! Number of Players: 1 to 6 | |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm - Astra | The Gaming Lady Description: You and your fellow players are eager and curious astronomers, determined to explore and understand the constellations of the mysterious night sky. You are willing to assist each other and share your discoveries, but in the end, only one of you will become famous enough to be remembered throughout history. Number of Players: 2 to 5 |
Gaming Libraries & Information
A Few Chattacon Gaming F A Q
Where is Gaming located in the hotel?
You can find gaming practically down every hall, and at tables all around the venue, but we gather and host events from a central location. You can find this on the floor level of the hotel, on the right just across from the infamous Chattacon Consuite!
The Dark Return
Join Michael Bielaczyc, creator and artist for SagaBorn d100, for a gaming session introducing you to his new system and the gloomy world of the Dark Return! A party of 2 to 6 is welcome. You will enter the world as a prisoner, one of many who the Uthgard empire uses to mine the metal ore for their ever-growing war machine. But empires are meant to be rebelled against, so the question is, how will you win your freedom? And afterward, will you join those who fight for a better world?
New Choice
Imagine playing a board game where you are competing internationally to become the New Choice Improv Champion of the World!
You get to travel in any direction, make friends, and play improv games that use your talents like speaking, singing, and acting. Watch out…avoid the traffic jam, and don’t get scammed. You can even win grants! It’s easy to improv, just 1 sentence at a time. And the best part is, You can get super creative and earn points by making goofy rhymes and getting people to laugh and clap for you. And, at the end, your team has to remember 5 things that the other team said to have good relationships. There are 4 ways to play, too! 1. As yourself, 2. In costume/in character, 3. With dolls/puppets, 4. In any language everyone can understand, including Klingon.
BTW – The New Choice Improv World Champions win a toy Golden Duck Trophy that they can take a selfie with! 🐤
Coral Castle
Travis from Lime Green Games will be there demoing his brand new game! Coral Castle! Build a magical mermaid garden under the sea in this card drafting game. Each round you will draft cards, craft combos, and race other players up the wealth, beauty, and rarity tracks. You’ll be able to keep cards each round for bigger, better combos. After 3 rounds, see see who is furthest on each track and gain fame. The most famous mergarden wins!
Tales of the Valiant RPG
Join the Gaming Guest of Honor, Dot Steverson, as she GMs a group of heroic adventurers through a whimsical quest using the Tales of the Valiant RPG, a new 5th Edition D&D compatible system from Kobold Press. Journey with us in an infinite universe of high fantasy adventure, dice rolling, and lots of shenanigans. Stick around until the end for a live giveaway of the Tales of the Valiant: Players Guide & Monster Vault.
Kobold Press has been a prominent TTRPG publisher for over 17 years and a leading creator of third-party Dungeons & Dragons content expanding recently with the Black Flag Roleplaying system and Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game. Tales of the Valiant earned over $1 million dollars on Kickstarter and was published in 2024. ToV is a successor to the popular 2014 DnD 5E rules and establishes an open license supporting a vibrant 3rd Party community, maintains backwards compatibility, and innovates outdated rules.
Game List from Game On Chattanooga:
- 7 wonders
- Cards Against Humanity
- Catan
- Hues and Cues
- Munchin
- Mystrium
- Pyrmaid Arcade
- Red Dragon Inn
- Splendor
- Star Realms
- Ticket 2 Ride Unlocked!…
Chattacon Gaming Library
A rep from SJGames will be attending to run games throughout the con.
Games will include Munchkin many many varieties of Munchkin, Illuminati and Monty Python Illuminati, Chez Geek, Chez Greek, Chez Goth, Chez Cthulhu, Lord of the Fries, Revolution, Ninja Burger, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Chupacabra Dice, and possibly more…
Annual Scavenger Hunt
Come and participate in the Chattacon Scavenger Hunt. The sign-up to play is 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm in the bar alcove. The Hunt runs all weekend with the judging on Sunday morning at 11:30 am. A gaming prize will be awarded to the person/team that answers (or finds) the most items on the Hunt. Teams can play but there will be only one prize awarded.
Game prizes will be awarded throughout the convention, depending on the games you play! For the most part prize distribution will be Sunday 12 noon in the main game hall… bring your voucher and pick a prize!
Gaming Libraries
Chattacon and the Gamemasters have extensive gaming libraries for you to choose from! Don’t know how to play a game? We have the best gamemasters around that can teach anyone! Have a few free minutes before your next panel? Come play a quick game of Zombie Dice.
Feel free to bring your own games in (adult themed games after 10pm). You can also contact us with any game you’d specifically like us to try to bring.
Chattacon Gaming Library
A rep from SJGames will be attending to run games throughout the con.
Games will include Munchkin many many varieties of Munchkin, Illuminati and Monty Python Illuminati, Chez Geek, Chez Greek, Chez Goth, Chez Cthulhu, Lord of the Fries, Revolution, Ninja Burger, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Chupacabra Dice, and possibly more…
Game List from Game On Chattanooga:
- 7 wonders
- Cards Against Humanity
- Catan
- Hues and Cues
- Munchin
- Mystrium
- Pyrmaid Arcade
- Red Dragon Inn
- Splendor
- Star Realms
- Ticket 2 Ride Unlocked!…
A Few Chattacon Gaming F A Q
Where is Gaming located in the hotel?
You can find gaming practically down every hall, and at tables all around the venue, but we gather and host events from a central location. You can find this on the floor level of the hotel, on the right just across from the infamous Chattacon Consuite!
Game prizes will be awarded throughout the convention, depending on the games you play! For the most part prize distribution will be Sunday 12 noon in the main game hall… bring your voucher and pick a prize!