The People of Chattacon 

All guests of honor, panelists, performers, presenters, artists or any other individual who may present in some way at Chattacon are booked in good faith and we have their guarantee that they will appear when we announce they will be at the convention. However, unforeseen events (illness, family emergencies or production work) may cause a particular guest to cancel. 

Todd Pettigrew

Todd Pettigrew

Todd Pettigrew is an amateur historian. He enjoys presenting living history from the French and Indian war, to the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Todd is an avid black power shooter, a competition cowboy action shooter and an experienced reloader for cartridge weapons. Additionally, he makes hand cast projectiles of various calibers and types and uses them to test loads for consistency and accuracy. Todd can be found from time to time shooting a multitude of reproductions of antique weapons and teaching history lessons about the weapon he is shooting.

Todd is also avid home brewer who started brewing beer while in college in the mid 1980’s. During COVID-19 he resumed the hobby with delicious success making both extract and all grain beers. He will be discussing the brewing process and equipment needed to make a 5-gallon batch of beer. We will also discuss the things you need to consider when making a beer. This includes fermentation techniques for both laggers and ales, yeast choices, water chemistry, common brewing mistakes. He will also discuss techniques for bottling, kegging and carbonating your masterpiece. So, learn how it is to make the beverage you enjoy so much.

Connect with Todd

More Chattacon Guests

Programming Sessions

Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Join our young couple, Brad and Janet, as they encounter unconventional conventionists and colorful characters in a night they will never forget. Warning: singing and

Vision Ballroom C

The Arctic and the Aether

A survey of the cultural traditions and fairy tales of the Inuit, their environment and the very real monsters which dwell within the Arctic. Stanley

Vision Ballroom B

Culture, Mythology and Spirituality

Moderated by Brian Cooksey The panelists discuss how the study of cultures, myths and legends, and spiritualism of past civilizations plays a part in the

Vision Ballroom A


AGoH Melissa Gay asks the audience for key words and then makes a coherent painting out of all of those suggestions! Ongoing discussion will include