Chattacon 45 Adult Badge
Register for Chattacon 45
Yes, you do need your stinkin’ badge! To get one, you need to register. We have made that process easier than ever before with our upgraded online ticketing system, so wait no longer and get your badge today!
A weekend badge is $60 (no single day badges are available)
Ages 8 – 12: $50
Children under 8 are free with an adult badge.
Out of stock
* A child is someone 12 years old or younger on the date of registration. If the child is under the age of 8 and stays with the parent at all times, you can elect to register the child as a “Kid in Tow” which will generate a special badge. Should the child be found out of the company of their parent, the child will be required to register at the regular child rate.
** Promotional rates will be offered from time-to-time at publicity parties and other special events. Look for advertisements at your local convention, and online through social media.
*** In order to qualify for staff registration, you must work at the convention in some capacity. Shift requirements vary by department. Please contact the department head of the area you have volunteered for your Coupon Code to register at the reduced rate.
Registrations that were purchased online will be available for quicker pickup at the “Pre-Reg” table at Convention Registration. If you can’t remember if you’ve pre-registered yet, you can check the list. Please allow a few days time to pass if you do not see your name on the list. We update often, but not immediately upon purchase.
You will need to present a valid government issued photo ID when you pickup your badge. And, yes, we must check it every year. If you do not have a valid photo ID, you will not be issued an Adult badge!
If you do decide to register offline, please download and fill out the form, and make your checks payable to Chattacon. Once we receive your payment, we will enter it into our online database and you will be issued a receipt via email. Forms received without payment or incomplete forms will not be processed.
If you have purchased a badge and cannot attend the Convention, you may carry-over your registration for one year or transfer it to another person, providing you contact us prior to the show. There is a $5 fee to transfer a badge after December 31st.
We are sorry, but we do not offer refunds.