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Discover upcoming works from our very own publishing company!
An Introduction to Chattooine, Chattanooga's largest and most inclusive Cosplay group. A number of fans dressed up for the occasion to celebrate the release of the new film. From left:…
The Pros and Cons of Writer's Groups.
Join our esteemed group of naysayers and dissenters as they discuss just why things wouldn’t necessarily work the way TV, movies, comics and books depict. Audience participation is insisted upon!!
Writing independantly can seem like blissful freedom to some, and an unstructured nightmare to others. Learn more about the craft of the indie writer and the benefits and pitfalls of…
3 Games With Cash Prizes - Register to Participate Below! Friday 8pm - 10pm Saturday 12pm - 3pm Saturday 4pm - 7pm
Finding a fossil turned even-year-old Martin on the path of becoming a writer.
Let the battles begin! John leads an open discussion about the not so obvious differences between the Marvel and DC Universes and and why fans need to care. Also, we…
Jump on this spectral train to see the process of how our Artist Guest of Honor created this stained glass window for Chattacon. The masterpiece is on display in the…
Prop Creation Contest Contestants compete to make the most unique prop from a box of mystery items. Prizes awarded for top designs! Register to participate below!