Chattacon Remembers, Darrell “Doc” Osborne

Darrell "Doc" Osborn was a Chattacon fixture for many years, as familiar and joyful as a Little Debbie.

Darrell “Doc” Osborn was a Chattacon fixture for many years, as familiar and joyful as a Little Debbie. Doc was a master of entertainment, famous for his hilarious magic shows, where he incorporated science, humor and some atrociously bad puns to the delight of fannish audiences.

But, Doc was best known for his incredible balloon skills. Here are just a few photos of Doc and fans.

Part improv, part innovation and a tone of imagination, Doc could make ANYTHING into a balloon sculpture. The Queen Alien? Doc made it. Fire-breathing Smaug? Doc made it. A balloon Dalek made into a hat so you could wear it around the convention? Hell, yes! Doc made that.

It is unthinkable to imagine a Chattacon without that man in the white lab coat, surrounded by a gaggle of kids (and an equal amount of adults) creating incredible art to please every fan’s heart. We have lost a dear friend and a dear, sweet soul.

So long, Doc.


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