Chattacon 43 Featured Guests

Peter David
Guest of Honor

Sam Flegal
Artist Guest of Honor

Todd McCaffrey
Special Guest

Michael Bielaczyc
Gaming Guest of Honor

Wendy Webb
Chattacon 43 Programming
Time | Name of Event |
4:00PM | Gaming rooms open |
5:00PM | Publicity for Newbies |
The Well-Traveled Writer | |
There is no Singing in a Space Opera! | |
Exhibit – Halloween: Back in the Day | |
Genre Panel: The Other Other Side | |
OGRE, an Introduction | |
6:00PM | NeoMedievalism |
Artists Panel: The Bird Whisperer Project | |
Podcast: K.R.O.C. – Killer Robots of Cinema | |
Calling All Twitchers and YouTubers | |
7:00PM | Opening Ceremonies |
Nostalgia for the Future — Are you ready for a new Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon? | |
Doctor Who Costuming: It’s Bigger on the Inside | |
Scavenger Hunt | |
Clement Sector Sci Fi RPG Session 1 | |
8:00PM | Meet the Pros Reception |
Retrofuturism | |
Cheeky Nefertiti’s Parlour Game Night | |
Digital book cover design and creation | |
Screenwriting 101 | |
Last Minute Cosplay Contest | |
9:00PM | Cult Movies w/Chattooine Live (For Mature Audiences Only) |
Negan, Lucille, and Other Things That Made Me Stop Watching My Favorite Shows | |
Adult Toys of the Future (For Mature Audiences Only) | |
10:00PM | Special Event: Dystopian Dance |
Specialty Workshop-Take It Off: An Intro to Risqué Cosplay | |
Castle Panic Board Game | |
SagaBorn RPG: The Pact | |
11:00PM | Star Wars Trivia Game Show |
Midnight Zombicide |
Time | Name of Event |
9:00AM | Saturday Morning Cartoons |
10:00AM | Manga Swap |
Cowboys and Aliens | |
Puppet Creation | |
Youth Programming: Crafts | |
Warhammer 40K Tournament | |
11:00AM | Playing in Someone Else’s Sandbox |
Dance Workshop: Prowl & Slither with Jillanna Baab | |
Social Media for Beginning Writers | |
Chattooine 101: Cosplay with a cause | |
Youth Programming: Harry Potter Potions Class | |
12:00PM | The Art of Sam Flegal |
Workshop: Intro to Leather Work | |
Costuming as a Professional Career | |
Live Painting Demonstration | |
XWing Free For All | |
Youth Games: Hero Clix | |
1:00PM | How Much Science Should a Science Fiction Writer Know? |
The Secret to Building a Fandom Brand with Untitled Nerd Network | |
Cult Movies w/Chattooine Live (Family Friendly) | |
The Delphic Oracle | |
My First Carcassonne: Tile game for kids | |
Clement Sector Sci Fi RPG Session 2 | |
Bob Gann Memorial Call of Cthulhu | |
2:00PM | This Geek Life: Growing Up Geek Part Deux |
Workshop- Make and Take Leather Watch ($ materials fee) | |
Vikings: An Exploration | |
Marvel Vs DC Debate | |
3:00PM | Guest of Honor Peter David: Meet and Sign |
Philosophy, Science Fiction, and Fantasy | |
Convention Pictionary! | |
Ken Ross Memorial Chess Tournament | |
SagaBorn RPG: More Than A Gamble | |
4:00PM | Theogony Books and Beyond: 30 Books In 2018 |
Chainmail Workshop | |
Stranger Tales | |
Meet the Chattanooga Roller Girls | |
5:00PM | Creating an Alien Race in Realtime |
Changeling: Operation Gaia | |
Iron-storyteller (aka “You Said What?”) | |
6:00PM | More than Swords: The Military and Fantasy |
Doctor Who Cosplay: There’s Room for Everyone on the Tardis | |
Character Eulogies | |
Whose Cosplay is it Anyway? | |
Masquerade Pre-Judging | |
7:00PM | Meet the Artist Guest of Honor |
Three Act Structure | |
Where for art thou Shakespeare | |
Todd McCaffrey: Meet and Sign | |
Bellydance Performance by Moonhaven Studios | |
Clement Sector Sci Fi RPG Session 3 | |
Talisman | |
8:00PM | Exploring Historical Fantasy |
Sidekick Cosplay | |
I Wrote a Book! Now What? | |
Genre Blending: Sci-Fi, Fantasy and More | |
Chattacon 43 Masquerade | |
9:00PM | Podcast- Gore Galore 2: Slashers (18+) |
Post-Apocalyptic 101: Crawl Out of the Fallout | |
The Wolfhounds | |
10:00PM | Sex and the Single Robot (For Mature Audiences Only) |
Burlesque Performance | |
Five Tribes Board Game | |
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? | |
11:30PM | Midnight Zombicide |
Time | Name of Event |
10:00AM | The Many Uses of Screenwriting |
Beginning Belly Dance | |
Youth Programming: Crafts | |
11:00AM | Indie Publishing: Getting Known as an Author |
Chainmail for medieval costuming | |
Literarily Sherlock | |
Religion in Science Fiction | |
Youth Programming: Advanced Wand Making | |
12:00PM | This Geek Life: Building Your Character |
Couples in Cosplay | |
Medicine: Medieval to Modern | |
Punk Your Print | |
Scavenger Hunt Winner Announcement | |
1:00PM | Gaming Art: Finding Vision |
Special Interest Panel: The Power of Storytelling | |
The Walking Dead Comic vs TV | |
Does Superhero Fiction Really Work without Art? | |
Gaming Prize Drawings | |
2:00PM | Closing Ceremonies |
Gaming Rooms Close |
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