Chattacon 33 Historical Archive
The Chattacon 33 historical page in our history archives is compiled from data from the internet archive, and may not always be displayed as one recalls. This is in so many words, a WIKI (in progress), so if you see something that does not match up, please let us know by contacting Web Services using the website contact form.
We are pleased to announce that Lynn Abbey of Thieves World’s fame Hugo Award winning author Michael Swanwick will be our Literary Guests of Honor.
Rowena Debbie Hughes will be our Artist Guest of Honor.
Author and editor Eric Flint will be our Special Guest.
Author Peter David will be our Toastmaster.
Also Attending:
Steven Antczak
David B. Coe
Hunter Cressall
Tom Deitz
John C. Snider
The Chattacon Art Show is well known throughout fandom as one of the best and we are not about to lessen our reputation this year. A varied and interesting assortment of flat and 3D artwork will be on display for your viewing enjoyment and acquisition. A print shop will be available again this year to allow you to purchase prints of some of your favorite works of art. All of the fun culminates in the art auction on Saturday Night.
Chattacon’s Art Show is blessed with a large enough room to offer space for an Artist’s Nook. This will be a space where you the artist can set up and draw, paint, sculpt, work on that current project. Also in the Nook we would like to offer small, mini-workshops.
Chattacon plans to offer interesting panels, readings, discussions and demonstrations. If you have ideas or have seen something at another convention that you find interesting, please feel free to tell us – we are always looking for ways to improve our programming!
And, of course, we will be hosting a scavenger hunt, the Masquerade, filking (both nights) and all of the other events that have made us famous (or infamous, as the case might be). If there is anything specific you’d like to see, drop us a line via email or the PO Box and we’ll try to accommodate you.
Nearly 60 tables of dealers and their wares will be there, anxious to sell you their goods. Further dealer information may be obtained by contacting the Head Dealer via email or the Chattacon P.O. Box. Please send us your table requirements with your request.
Chattacon, in its attempt to appeal to an ever-widening circle of fandom, will be holding gaming tournaments in a number of popular role-playing, card, board and miniature games from a variety of sources. Chattacon will also offer its annual fare of computer-based and home arcade style games in the computer room. If you are interested in being a referee or gamemaster for a tournament, please contact the gaming coordinator, KC Charland.
Chattacon will offer its annual fare of computer-based and home arcade style games in the computer room. If you are interested in being a referee or gamemaster for a tournament, please contact the computer gaming coordinator, Stephen Kraus.
The hardworking Consuite staff labor to bring the fans consumables of all types 24 hours a day. From early morning donuts to late night Iron Chef Creations and of course the infamous Little Debbies, there is always something interesting going on in the Consuite! The Consuite is also the place to meet and greet other fans and catch up with friends both new and old.
Chattacon’s Consuite will again be housed in the Grand Central Station building.
We will open at 3pm on Friday and close at 3pm on Sunday.
We hope to bring you the best year yet in Hospitality. As always, we welcome suggestions and volunteers. You can reach the head of hospitality at .
Remember, you will be required to present an ID for some service in the Consuite, so be sure to bring a legal ID to Chattacon.
Chattanooga Speculative Fiction Fans, Inc. announces their first ever Writing Contest. The contest administrators will accept submissions in the following categories:
- Short story by author 18 years old or older
- Short story by author 17 years old or younger
- Short poetry author 18 years old or older
- Short poetry by author 17 years old or younger
Short stories must be less than 5000 words. Short poetry must be less than 35 lines. Age is determined by submission deadline.
Click here for the full details. All entries must be postmarked by November 18, 2007.
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Chattacon 33 Photos