Celebrating 30 years of Science Fiction Fandom in Chattanooga!
Chattanooga Science Fiction Convention, Inc.
January 21 – 23, 2005
The Historic Sheraton Read House!
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, Sol-3
Guests of Honor:
Larry Niven
Paul Levinson
Artist Guest of Honor:
David Cherry
Special Guest:
Chris Bunch
Charles Grant
Chattacon 31 Around the Net
Mary Robinette Kowal
Chattacon 31 Membership Information
Yes, you do need your stinkin’ badge! To get one, you need to register. To register, you need this form. If you don’t have the Acrobat Reader, you can click the link below or it’s also available as an HTML document, Microsoft Word, and plain text form.
Registrations received after January 8, 2005 will not be processed. Please mail early! If you can’t remember if you’ve pre-registered yet, you can check our list here. Please remember that the list is maintained by people with real lives and it may be somewhat out of date from time to time. This copy was last updated Mar 1, 2004.
If you’d like a copy of the current flier, you can download it in PDF format here.
Chattacon 31 Events
Chattacon plans to offer many exciting activities, events and costests such as scavenger hunts, puzzles and cryptograms, trivia quizzes, dances and other contests. We’ll try to keep you as entertained as possible. If there is anything you’d like to see, drop us a line via email or the PO Box and we’ll try to accommodate you.
Panels and Readings
Chattacon plans to offer interesting panels, readings, discussions and demonstrations. If there is anything you’d like to see or if you would like to participate in a panel or demonstration please contact Holly Hina or drop us a line via the PO Box and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
If you have ideas or have seen something at another convention that you find interesting, please feel free to tell us – we are always looking for ways to improve our programming!
Chattacon 31 Masquerade
Chattacon 31 Program Book
The Chattacon Program Book is accepting ads. Ad rates will be $100 for a full page, $75 for a half-page and $50 for a quarter page. Non-profit fan and amateur organizations may be entitled to a 50% discount. The program book editor is the sole judge of what constitutes a fan or amateur organization. Ad deadline is December 15. For additional information, please contact the program book editor, Michael Dillson, via email or at the Chattacon PO Box.
Chattacon is looking for short stories, art work and other material for inclusion in our program book. You can submit material by email to the editor or by mail to the Chattacon PO Box. Electronic formats, of course, are preferred. One short story will be chosen for publication by a biased panel of the editor’s own choosing whose decisions will be final. The author will be given a free membership to the convention.
Any program book submissions will remain the property of their authors with the stipulation that Chattacon has the non-exclusive right to publish or not to publish the submission in the next or subsequent program books.
Chattacon 31 Art Show
The Chattacon Art Show is well known throughout fandom as one of the best and we are not about to lessen our reputation this year. A varied and interesting assortment of flat and 3D artwork will be on display for your viewing enjoyment and acquisition. A print shop will be available again this year to allow you to purchase prints of some of your favorite works of art. All of the fun culminates in the art auction on Saturday Night.
Artist and/or Print Shop information may be obtained by writing the art show director, Ann Robards, at
Chattacon 31 Gaming
Computer and Video Gaming
CCGs and Board Games
Chattacon 31 Consuite
Chattacon’s Consuite has been a movable feast the past couple of years. The hardworking staff labor to bring the fans consumables of all types 24 hours a day. From early morning donuts to late night Iron Chef Creations and of course the infamous Little Debbies, there is always something interesting in the Consuite! The Consuite is also the place to meet and greet other fans and catch up with friends both new and old. We hope to bring you the best year yet in Hospitality. As always, we welcome suggestions and volunteers.
You can reach the head of hospitality at consuite@chattacon.org .
Remember, you will be required to present an ID for some service in the Consuite, so be sure to bring a legal ID to Chattacon. Come have fun with us.
Chattacon 31 Photos