Chattacon II
January 7-9, 1977
Admiral Benbow Hotel
Chattanooga, TN
“Everyone is Fan GoH”
Chattacon 2 was held January 7-9, 1977 at the Admiral Benbow Hotel in Chattanooga, TN.
Irv Koch was chairman. Mike Rogers was treasurer at least part of the time. Irv, of course, controlled most everything and notes from these Dark Ages are blurry at best and non-existent at worst. [But see above for a few more details, and anyway Irvin still has all the notes, he sent them to me….–TKFW] During this period, other trustees of Chattacon probably included: Ronnie Shelton, Dick & Nicki Lynch (2-time Hugo Award winners and Rebel Award winners), Bill Hedrick, Rich Morehouse, David Tabor, Nancy Tabor, Julia Morgan Wilhoit, Janet Caruth, Tola Varnell, Tim Bolgeo, Norm Michal, Andre Barker-Bridget, and Ken Scott.