Chattacon Convention Committee
The Chattacon Convention Committee is organized as a fund-raising committee sponsored by The Chattanooga Speculative Fiction Fans, Inc.
Chattacon Convention Committee
The Chattacon Convention Committee is organized as a fund-raising committee sponsored by The Chattanooga Speculative Fiction Fans, Inc.
The Chattacon Convention Committee is organized as a fund-raising committee sponsored by The Chattanooga Speculative Fiction Fans, Inc.
The Chattanooga Speculative Fiction Fans, Inc. (hereafter referred to as The CSFF Inc.) is organized as a non-profit organization with the purpose to promote the appreciation of literature through the advancement of speculative fiction.
The Board of Trustees of The CSFF Inc. shall consist of a minimum of five (5) and up to a maximum of nine (9) natural persons. Terms of office shall be for three (3) years with a limit of three (3) consecutive terms. The chairman of Chattacon shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees.
The ongoing advertising campaigns for the convention are all overseen by the Marketing & Publications Officer. The program book, pocket program all other print media are also handled by this chair.